About Me

Personal Information

I am a NIUMA at Peking Abnormal University.

Research Information

I am dedicating to Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for neuroimaging, I mainly focused on Brain Entropy (BEN), a measure for dynamic feature of Human Brain, in spontaneous brain activity,cognitive function, neuromodulation, and clinical translation. I have published more than 10 peer-reviewed papers with more than 300 cititions according to Google Scholar. Please visit my Researchgate page or My CV for more information.

Recently, I organized a research topic : Methodological Development and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for Neuroimaging with Dr. Kay Jann and Dr. Danny Wang from the University of Southern California on Frontontiers in Neurology. I have also served as a reviewer for OHBM2023, Frontiers in Psychology,Frontiers in Psychiatry and Brain Imaging and Behavior.

Please feel free to contact me:

My address:

My email: donghuipsy@gmail.com

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