
Here are some materials about Brain and Entropy on Skill Exchange Workshop (SEW) on Dec 25,2021. SEW is bi-week workshop, proposed by Dr. Yin Wang at Beijing Normal University, China

View the Project on GitHub donghui1119/SEW_Brain_Entropy

Brain Entropy

Thanks for you are interesting to our study. Here is overview about this workshop,you also can download the PPT about Brain and Entropy.

To Learn more:




1.Entropy from Thermodynamic to Brain Science

1.1 What is the Entropy

1.2 Entropy in Thermodynamic

1.3 Entropy in Information Theory

1.4 Entropy in Biological Signal Measure

2. Entropy Calculation

3. fMRI-based Brain Entropy Mapping

4. fMRI-based Brain Entropy Research

4.1. Brain Entropy (BEN) and others measures in the resting brain


Brain entropy provides unique information that cannot be revealed by CBF and fALFF (Donghui Song et al., 2019b, Brain Imaging and Behavior). a. correlation of BEN and CBF; b. correlation of BEN and fALFF; c. correlation of CBF and fALFF

4.2. Brain Entropy and rTMS


Reduced Brain Entropy by rTMS on the left DLPFC in healthy young adults(Donghui Song et al., 2019a, Brain Imaging and Behavior). a. post-rTMS vs pre-rTMS; b. post-SHAM vs pre-SHAM; c. rTMS-SHAM

4.3. Brain Entropy and Fluid Intelligence


Association of brain entropy and fluid intelligence in the young adults brain from HCP (Ze Wang,2021,Neuroimage)


Association of brain entropy and fluid intelligence in the adolescence brain from ABCD study (Donghui Song et al.,2021,OHBM2021)

5. Acknowledgements


Wang Lab at University of Maryland School of Medicine