Here are some materials about Brain and Entropy on Skill Exchange Workshop (SEW) on Dec 25,2021. SEW is bi-week workshop, proposed by Dr. Yin Wang at Beijing Normal University, China
Thanks for you are interesting to our study. Here is overview about this workshop,you also can download the PPT about Brain and Entropy.
To Learn more:
Pincus (1991) introduced Approximate Entropy (ApEn) , a set of measures of system complexity closely related to entropy, which is easily applied to clinical cardiovascular and other time series.
Sample Entropy (SampEn) is a modification of approximate entropy (ApEn), used for assessing the complexity of physiological time-series signals, diagnosing diseased states.
Click Distance Measures to try Calculate different Distances including Euclidean Distance, Chebyshev Distance and Manhattan Distance.
Click Calculate Entropy to try Calculate Shannon Entropy, Approximate Entropy, Sample Entropy.
Brain entropy provides unique information that cannot be revealed by CBF and fALFF (Donghui Song et al., 2019b, Brain Imaging and Behavior). a. correlation of BEN and CBF; b. correlation of BEN and fALFF; c. correlation of CBF and fALFF
Reduced Brain Entropy by rTMS on the left DLPFC in healthy young adults(Donghui Song et al., 2019a, Brain Imaging and Behavior). a. post-rTMS vs pre-rTMS; b. post-SHAM vs pre-SHAM; c. rTMS-SHAM
Association of brain entropy and fluid intelligence in the young adults brain from HCP (Ze Wang,2021,Neuroimage)
Association of brain entropy and fluid intelligence in the adolescence brain from ABCD study (Donghui Song et al.,2021,OHBM2021)